People have a strange relationship with television, psychologically. Though in surveys they list it low on the list of activities they enjoy "in general," when scientists collect data in real-time—i.e., they ask subjects while they are watching TV if they're enjoying it—television is rated quite high and viewers are truly relaxed. However, after turning off the tube, people report feeling worse than before. So, just like an addict with a drug, you subconsciously end up watching more television to put off the crash that comes when you turn the set of
TV, especially soap opera addicts exist everywhere from the Far East to the USA. Those people stay glued on television on daily basis for three hours or more and sometimes have to drop important activities just to be able to watch television for few more hours.
The dangers of television addiction are really bigger than what you could imagine and the following few examples will show you what such addiction can do to your life:
- Programming your mind: Just as watching Storm Over Paradise programmed my mind the movies that you watch will program your mind too whether you want or not. Watch a lot of drama and you will become a cry boy, watch a lot of action movies and you might become violent or watch a lot of horror movies and you might start to believe in ghosts.
- children of today have grown violent as a result of too much smack-down watching and violent movies.
- Changing your beliefs about life : Why do so many people want to get rich in two weeks? Why are keywords such as “How to become a billionaire over night” are among the popular search keywords? Why do people feel really bad when they get rejected for the first time?? Movies have taught us that good guys fail, face problems but usually solve them before the end of the movie. It never takes the Good guy more than few days to move from poverty to wealth, from being unknown to being famous and from being sad to being absolutely happy. When your beliefs about life change you start to assume that life events should be similar to the events you saw in the movies but unfortunately this only results in disappointment. The most famous example out of them all is not being able to get over someone just because of thinking that he was the one. In my book How to get over anyone in few days i described how the media can program our minds with beliefs that hinders recovery such as "the one" or "the soul mate".
- Depressing You: Watching television for extended periods of time have been linked to depression. Moreover this depression might prevent you from being able to stop watching TV and so a cycle of depression and television addiction is developed.
- That is why young girls get frustrated simply because their boyfriends or fiances don't treat them like Jose Maria or Alejandro.
- Makes you feel guilty : Usually television addiction is associated with delaying important tasks or wasting time that should be allocated to your family. This results in feelings of guilt that keep increasing in intensity as you keep watching.
- Negative thinking: 99% of the news that appear on Television is negative. Lots of movies and TV series have negative messages embedded within. Being subjected to such negative messages and news results in bad feelings and in even turning you into a negative thinker.
- people tend to imagine they shall rob a train on transit like Vin Diesel or Paul Walker and get rich overnight.
- Final words about television addiction
- Television addiction is really bad and can result in dramatic changes in your mood and life style.
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